Tri-College University

Tri-College University

Tri-College University is a consortium of five institutions of higher education: Concordia College, Minnesota State Community and Technical College, Minnesota State University Moorhead, North Dakota State College of Science and North Dakota State University.

Students at the five schools benefit from what each school offers individually and cooperatively through the consortium.

Through the Tri-College course exchange, students enrolled at M State may take courses at the other campuses while paying the M State tuition rate and without going through separate admissions procedures. Tri-College expands discipline offerings and course availability for students beyond their home campus. Tuition is paid only to the student's home campus.

Courses not eligible for Tri-College registration are those offered through NDSU's Division of Distance and Continuing Education, off-campus or weekend courses offered through MSUM, most workshops, independent study courses at Concordia and private music instruction at Concordia. In addition, some of the institutions do not allow for online courses to be taken via Tri-College enrollment.

Students enrolling in classes that require special fees (lab fees, lessons, supplies, etc.) beyond the home campus fees assessed at the time of registration will be responsible for remittance or payment of those fees directly to the institution where the course is being offered.

Course limits

The course exchange is limited to two courses per student per semester per participating campus. The courses to be taken must not be offered at the student's home campus during that semester. Students are required to take at least one course at their home campus when participating in the Tri-College course exchange program (excluding summer session). Exceptions to the one course per semester limit among campuses are as follows:

  • Students who request enrollment in either the Aerospace Studies/Air Force ROTC or Military Science/Army ROTC courses at NDSU;
  • Students who request enrollment in a course/lab pairing (lecture and corresponding lab, which are considered two separate courses);
  • Other requests for exceptions may be reviewed on an individual basis but will be granted on a very limited basis only after consultation and agreement between registrars at the impacted campuses.

Concordia does not participate in the course exchange during summer semester.


Grades received through the TCU course exchange will be applied to the student's home campus grade point average.


Credits earned through the TCU course exchange will appear on a student's transcript and be applied toward graduation requirements as though they were taken at their home campus.

Course substitutions

Students need to obtain advanced approval to substitute TCU courses for required courses in their major.

Library services

Students, faculty and staff of the TCU institutions may use all of the libraries in the consortium. Circulating materials from TCU libraries are available free of charge for direct checkout or through interlibrary loan via daily shuttle service. A regional computer-based catalog shows availability of materials at the TCU library.

Bus and parking services

Bus schedules are available at the TCU office and at several locations on each campus. There is no separate parking permit issued for TCU parking.

Drop/add deadlines

Students follow their home-campus deadlines to drop or add a course, not the deadlines of the TCU partner school where the course is offered or hosted.

Registration procedures

Students register for TCU exchange courses at their home campus and pay their home campus tuition rate and fees.

Students interested in the TCU course exchange should review the TCU Registration Guide below.

M State students who wish to take a course via the TCU course exchange must complete the TCU Registration Form (download from the link below) and submit it to Student Development Services on the Moorhead campus or send via email to

Once a request has been submitted, information on the status will be sent to the student's M State email account. If a student is eligible to take the requested course (i.e., the course qualifies as part of the course exchange and all applicable prerequisites have been met), the registration period is open, and space is available in the course, the student will be notified that the registration has been approved. Once registered in the course, email communication will be sent from the institution where the course is being hosted with additional information such as student ID, how to access email and/or other available resources, and where to park when attending class on that campus.

It is the student's responsibility to purchase any required textbooks or other materials needed for the course, as well as check the institution's course schedule for information on class meeting days, times and locations. This course will follow the academic calendar of the institution hosting the course, which may be different from M State's calendar. Students should review both institutions' calendars carefully for semester start and end dates, final exam schedules, and any other non-class dates that may be different.

Students enrolled at one of the partner institutions who wish to take a course at M State must submit a completed TCU form (available below) to their home campus. The registrar's office at that institution will communicate with the student regarding the status of the request. Upon registration into a course at M State, the student will receive email communication from M State's registrar's office with details including student ID, email account access, parking information and other important information.